
How to structure a Chinese sentence

Are you just starting to learn Chinese? If so, then you’re probably wondering about the best way to go about structuring sentences in Chinese.

Just like in English, there are certain rules that govern sentence structure in Chinese. However, these rules can be quite different from what you’re used to in English.

Here are some tips on how to structure a Chinese sentence:

1. Subject + Predicate

The most basic structure of a Chinese sentence is subject + predicate. This is similar to English, where the subject comes before the verb.

For example:

我 喜欢 中国菜。

Wǒ xǐhuān zhōngguócài.

I like Chinese food.

2. Time Phrase + Subject + Predicate

Another common sentence structure in Chinese is time phrase + subject + predicate. This is similar to English, where the time comes before the subject.

For example:

今天 我 喜欢 中国菜。

Jīntiān wǒ xǐhuān zhōngguócài.

Today I like Chinese food.

3. Location Phrase + Subject + Predicate

Another common sentence structure in Chinese is location phrase + subject + predicate. This is similar to English, where the location comes before the subject.

For example:

在 中国,我 喜欢 中国菜。

Zài zhōngguó, wǒ xǐhuān zhōngguócài.

In China, I like Chinese food.

4. Modifier + Subject + Predicate

A modifier is a word or phrase that describes the subject of a sentence. In Chinese, modifiers usually come before the subject.

For example:

那个 小女孩 喜欢 中国菜。

Nàgè xiǎonǚhái xǐhuān zhōngguócài.

That little girl likes Chinese food.

5. Subject + Verb Phrase

In Chinese, the verb phrase (which consists of the verb and any objects or other modifiers) usually comes after the subject.

For example:

我 喜欢 吃 中国菜。

Wǒ xǐhuān chī zhōngguócài.

I like to eat Chinese food.

Note: It is possible to place verbs immediately next to one another in Chinese, like in the example above (喜欢 and 吃 ). Whereas in English, you would normally need to use a preposition or conjunction such as “to” or “and” to connect different verbs (or verb phrases) in a sentence (like to eat ).

6. Adverb + Verb Phrase

An adverb is a word or phrase that modifies the verb in a sentence. In Chinese, adverbs usually come before the verb phrase.

For example:

我 非常 喜欢 吃 中国菜。

Wǒ fēicháng xǐhuān chī zhōngguó cài.

I like to eat Chinese food very much.

7. Conjunction + Sentence

A conjunction is a word or phrase that connects two clauses or sentences. In Chinese, conjunctions usually come before the second clause or sentence.

For example:

我 喜欢 吃 中国菜,但是 我 不 喜欢 吃 日本菜。

Wǒ xǐhuān chī zhōngguócài, dànshì wǒ bù xǐhuān chī rìběncài.

I like to eat Chinese food, but I don’t like to eat Japanese food.

Chinese Sentence Structure – HSK Grammar Workbook

This Chinese Sentence Structure Workbook is a good resource to help you practice your Chinese Sentence formation. If you have trouble forming proper Chinese sentences, try these books. The sentences are level appropriate, graded according to HSK 1, 2, 3 and so on.

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